Weekend Quilting Book Review and A Giveaway

It’s my abso­lute pleas­ure to be todays stop on the Week­end Quilt­ing Book Show­case.   I’m lucky enough to call Jemima from Tied with a Rib­bon my friend so I’m doubly excited to share her first book with you all!

Week­end Quilt­ing high­lights Jemima’s love of teach­ing by step­ping you through sev­en quilt­ing tech­niques with beau­ti­fully clear instruc­tions and dia­grams.   You’ll learn how to  per­fectly piece Nine Patches, Half-Square Tri­angles, Fly­ing Geese, Pin­wheels, Tri­angles as well as all the skills you need to com­plete Eng­lish Paper Piecing and Appli­qué pro­jects.   You can then apply those skills to any (or all!) of the 16 fun decor pro­jects in the book.

I had a hard time nar­row­ing down a pro­ject to make from Week­end Quilt­ing because there are just so many great ones to choose from.   In the end I decided on the In the Middle Mini Quilt because… churn dash blocks!   They’re one of my favourites.

Photo Cred­it: Week­end Quilt­ing: Quilt and Unwind with Simple Designs to Sew in No Time — Fons & Porter

The instruc­tions and dia­grams for this pro­ject made mak­ing it a breeze.   In no time at all the quilt top was togeth­er and then it was just a mat­ter of work­ing out how I wanted to quilt and fin­ish it.

Jemima has included instruc­tions for mak­ing a zippered pil­low back in the book so I com­bined the mini quilt with the fin­ish­ing instruc­tions to make this Euro sized pillow.

I used a simple straight line meth­od of machine quilt­ing on my domest­ic machine with lines half an inch apart.

I’m super happy with how it turned out and, how it per­fectly com­ple­ments my daugh­ters bed­room lin­en.   Quite unin­ten­tion­al I prom­ise but clearly Geor­gie and I both have a bit of thing for aqua -:).

To make your own In the Middle Mini Quilt or any of the oth­er great pro­jects in the book you’ll need your own copy of Week­end Quilt­ing: Quilt and Unwind with Simple Designs to Sew in No Time.    You can get yours in just a few simple click from either Jemima’s web­site or from a quilt store near you.

Photo Cred­it: Week­end Quilt­ing: Quilt and Unwind with Simple Designs to Sew in No Time — Fons & Porter


I have a spare copy of Week­end Quilt­ing to give away to one lucky win­ner along with a few charm packs from Wind­ham fab­rics to help with your first pro­ject from the book and, these nifty little Week­end Quilt­ing pro­ject cards from Jemima.

Thanks every­one for your entries into this little prize pack.   The lucky win­ner is Kristin.

The Week­end Quilt­ing Book Show­case is run­ning from May 29 to June 29.  Fol­low along for more inspir­a­tion from the book and more fun giveaways!

Mon 29th May           Lisa Cox – A Spoon­ful of Sug­ar Designs
Tues 30th May           Robyn Sha­piro – The Straw­berry Thief
Wed 31st May           Melissa LeRay – Oh How Sweet
Thurs 1st June           Emily Den­nis – Quilty Love
Fri 2nd June                Sam­antha Dorn – Aqua Pais­ley Studios
Mon 5th June             Nadra Ridge­way – Ellis and Higgs
Tues 6th June             Peta Peace – She Quilts Alot
Wed 7th June             Stacy Olson –Sta­cey Olson Design
Thurs 8th June           Sedef Imer- Down Grapev­ine Lane
Fri­day 9th June          Eliza­beth Chap­pell – Quilters Candy Box
Mon 12th June           Suzy Wil­li­ams – Suzy Quilts
Tues 13th June           Rachel Howard – Fam­ily Ever After
Wed 14th June           Amy Sin­i­baldi – nanaCom­pany
Thurs 15th June         Jod­ie Car­leton – Ric Rac
Fri 16th June               Ange Hamilton – A Little Patchwork
Mon 19th June           Heath­er Andrus – Quilt Story
Tues 20th June           Elea Lutz – Elea Lutz Design
Wed 21st June           Lauren Wright – Molly and Mama
Thurs 22nd June        Claire Turpin – Claire Turpin Design
Fri 23rd June              Jen­nie Pick­ett – Clover and Violet
Mon 26th June           Fat Quarter Shop
Tues 27th June           Alisha Orlando – Min­istry of Fabric
Wed 28th June            Minki Kim – Minki Kim Sew­ing Illustration
Thurs 29th June         Jemima Flendt – Tied with a Ribbon



96 thoughts on “Weekend Quilting Book Review and A Giveaway

  1. Your churn dash pil­low is gor­geous! This is my favor­ite block! Super gen­er­ous giveaway.

  2. Wow!! Love your work as always Peta. Your cre­ations always man­age to inspire me, the churn dash block is on my “one day” list but you have man­aged to move it up the list as always. Anoth­er great book to add to my list of pur­chases and things to com­plete (I’m still yet to com­plete the scrap jars quilt from the Vin­tage Vibe book). Thanks for the inspir­a­tion, you are a super­wo­man with how much you get done & also for the oppor­tun­ity to win the book.
    krissy020978@hotmail.com xo

  3. Just adore your choice of col­ours Peta and how you turned it into a pil­low. Thanks for being a part of the Week­end Quilt­ing Show­case my friend.

  4. I love how well look the aqua and dark blue togeth­er. Love your simply but effect­ive quilting.

  5. I love your beau­ti­ful churn dash pil­low! Your daugth­er will be so happy to have it in her bedroom!

  6. I am also a lov­er of churn dash blocks. And the table top­per and pil­low must be on my to do list.

  7. I love the lay­out on the Churn Dash pil­low, it’s such a new way to use a tra­di­tion­al block! This looks like a great book with lots of cute, quick patterns!

  8. I love your pil­low and it looks so pol­ished and pro­fes­sion­al. I would love to have the book.

  9. Love the pil­low Peta. ❤️❤️. Looks like an awe­some book too?. Thanks for all your inspir­a­tion. You are a very clev­er lady??

  10. Thank you, Peta, for quilt­ing inspir­a­tion! I love your churn dash pil­low and the book sounds like a “must have”!

  11. This sounds like a great book to learn some quilt­ing basics. It would be won­der­ful to own. Your pil­low is beau­ti­ful. Thanks for the giveaway

  12. I adore the Churn Dash quilt; the col­ors and the unique way it is put togeth­er. Your pil­low is also so sweet, love the teal. Thanks for offer­ing the book & goodies.

  13. Great choice of pat­tern and the soft col­ors are happy and fresh! What a great book for busy quilters and fast sat­is­fac­tion. I nev­er think of pil­lows, but they make great gifts and can so eas­ily be switched out sea­son­ally! Thanks for the giveaway…fingers crosssed.

  14. I love churn dash too! Your pil­low is won­der­ful. Looks like the book is full of great inform­a­tion and projects!

  15. The Churn Dash pat­tern is time­less and looks fant­ast­ic in a pil­low. I love work­ing with smal­ler quilts.

  16. right now with work, the only time I get to quilt is on the week­end — love the pillow

  17. I love the pil­low and you nailed the col­or per­fectly for the churn dash pat­tern. The aqua and black is perfect.
    The book deserves a good look for a week­end of quilt­ing with friends.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  18. Rec’d your book in last week’s mail. And star­ted a Churn Dash quilt because of your inspir­ing encour­age­ment. Well done!

  19. I love the churn dash pil­low so cute with gor­geous fab­ric makes it a win­ner! Thanks for offer­ing this giveaway.

  20. Love both the quilt pic­tured and your big pil­low. Looks like a great book. Thanks for offer­ing this giveaway.

  21. Love the way the blocks butt up to each oth­er, super pat­tern. Fab­rics a source of inspir­a­tion. Bet you had fun.
    I’d love this book

  22. The col­ours you chose for the pil­low are per­fect. Churn dash is a favour­ite block for me. Book looks great

  23. Churn dash blocks are one of my favor­ites too. I like the straight line quilt­ing you did on your pil­low. This looks like a great book to have.

  24. I would like to try my hand at the pro­ject in the photo that looks like inter­link­ing hex­ies w/low volume cen­ters. Thank you for your gen­er­ous giveaway.

  25. You made a really cool churn dash pil­low! Lovely and cute! I hope to get a copy of this book one day. Such won­der­ful pro­jects! Have a great day! angielovesgary2 atg­mail dotcom

  26. I’ve been fol­low­ing this blog hop and love every single pro­ject that’s been shared! I know I’d love this book too! Your pil­low just might be snagged by your daughter…that aqua is so sooth­ing and pretty! Great pil­low. duch­ick at gmail dot com

  27. There are two blocks I really like. One is the churn dash and the oth­er is the Dresden. I really like how put­ting the edges togeth­er on this churn dash changes the over­all feel. Love it.

  28. I love your pil­low. I am a new quilter, and would love to add the book to my grow­ing col­lec­tion of resources.

  29. Love the pil­low- the design, the col­or and the quilt­ing! I need to do more week­end projects!

  30. Love your pil­low and your book looks awe­some. Thanks for the oppor­tun­ity to win it.

  31. Lovely pil­low — Churn dash is my fav block! Thanks for an inter­est­ing blog post! This book looks awe­some! churcae(at)auburn(dot)edu

  32. This book is on my wish list. I haven’t tried a churn dash block yet but this looks like my new favour­ite block to try.
    I love the col­our combo. This would bright­en up our long winter days to come in New Zealand.

  33. I’d love to see how that Churn Dash block goes togeth­er on point. It looks so interesting!

  34. Love your cush­ion??? A few of these on my bed would look amaz­ing!! Thanks for inspir­ing me!!

  35. Love your work and the col­or com­bin­a­tion. I hope to cre­ate some­thing as won­der­ful some day.
    Thanks for the share.

  36. LOVE your Pil­low!!! (Churn Dash is my fave block right now) Thank you for chance to win your give-a-way!! This book looks Awesome!! 😀

  37. This book looks like it will make week­end more enjoy­able. Thanks for the chance at an awe­some giveaway.

  38. This book sounds per­fect. I love to quilt but rarely am able to squeeze in time to do so. Thank you for the giveaway.

  39. As a new­bie to quilt­ing I am now so addicted thanks to inspir­a­tion­al people like your­self! I might not be the most accur­ate quilter on the block nor the quick­est, but I cer­tainly have fun. Prac­tice will even­tu­ally make per­fect? Thanks so much for offer­ing the giveaway.

  40. I have always loved churn dash and your little pil­low is gor­geous! The book looks won­der­ful too. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  41. I really like the pil­low cov­er you made, espe­cially the col­ors — so bright and crisp. I might have a thing about aquas now too (hehe). And if the pro­jects in the book are as excit­ing as the quilt on the cov­er (and your pil­low, of course) I’m going to have to have a copy. Thanks for shar­ing with us.

  42. This is abso­lutely lovely! The col­or selec­tion (yes, I’m par­tial to blues, but Still, WOW) and the quilt­ing. Well done!

  43. I have nev­er tried this pat­tern but as the book makes it a simple and easy pat­tern to fol­low, I think I might have to try it soon.
    The col­ours are also not my first choice but remind me of sit­ting some­where cool and peace­ful on a hot sum­mers day.

  44. Gor­geous pil­low and mini quilt! I love the col­ors. ❤️ Thanks for the oppor­tun­ity to win a won­der­ful prize!

  45. Amaz­ingly beau­ti­ful churn dash pil­low!! Love, love, love the col­or value placement!!

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