Six Inch Sampler Quilt & Free Project

SheQuiltsAlot-Sampler-ProjectQuite some time ago a couple of lovely ladies and I were chat­ting on Ins­tagram and thought it would be fun to do a sampler pro­ject togeth­er.  We decided to take turns choos­ing and post­ing blocks so that oth­er quilters could join in if they wanted too.  Corinna and Anna are still post­ing blocks every so often over on Ins­tagram with the hasht­ag #simplesixinch­sampler if you want to check it out.   I decided to stop at 25 so that I could com­plete a quilt to gift to my hus­bands Grand­par­ents for their 65th wed­ding anniversary last month.

A free pro­ject sheet with dir­ec­tions for both 6″ and 9″ blocks is avail­able to down­load here.

SheQuiltsAlot Six Inch Sampler

Many of the blocks used in this quilt can be found in the Quick & Easy Block Tool by C&T Pub­lish­ing.   It’s a great little tool to have on hand and includes so many great quilt blocks, if you haven’t already, its worth down­load­ing a copy to your iPad or mobile device.

SheQuiltsAlot Old Grey Goose Block

There are also blocks like the Old Grey Goose by Nancy Cabot.    Nancy Cabot is one of my quilty her­o’s so I could­n’t res­ist includ­ing a couple of her blocks in the quilt.

SheQuiltsAlot Sampler Quilting

I quilted the sampler on my home machine using altern­ate diag­on­al lines on each block after set­ting the blocks with a 1″ fin­ished sash­ing.   The entire quilt is only 42″ x 42″ square.  Turns out that’s the per­fect size for my hus­bands Grand­par­ents din­ing table!

SheQuiltsAlot Six Inch Sampler

I’m link­ing up with Amy’s Cre­at­ive Side Blog­ger­’s Quilt Fest­iv­al and enter­ing this sampler into the Small Quilts Cat­egory.    Good luck to every­one join­ing in with the festival.

SheQuiltsAlot Sampler Quilt

Tomor­row I will have a tutori­al up for my Lick­ety Split Mod­ern Chev­ron quilt if you want to come back and check it out.

Until then Happy Quilting


16 thoughts on “Six Inch Sampler Quilt & Free Project

  1. Looks gor­geous Peta! It reminds me I need to get a wriggle on and fin­ish mine! Lovely quilt xx

  2. This is so pretty, Peta! I love the altern­ate diag­on­al quilt­ing and how it forms on point boxes across the blocks. Good luck with the Fest­iv­al! x

  3. Thanks for that, Peta! I am only 4 blocks away from the num­ber I need, and was just think­ing about sash­ing and bor­ders. This will be so helpful 🙂

  4. I’ve been work­ing through these blocks in the 9″ block size. There are a few errors in the cut­ting instruc­tions and I’m won­der­ing if you have pro­duced an updated pat­tern to cor­rect these?

  5. I love this quilt and just got to block five. How­ever the blocks range from 8.5” to 10” in size. We also cor­rec­ted some of the piece siz­ing for indi­vidu­al blocks. Do you have any sug­ges­tions or an updated download?

    1. Hi Pamela, it might be worth hav­ing anoth­er read through the down­load inform­a­tion and mak­ing sure you have read it in its entirety because all of the blocks are def­in­itely 6.5″ finished 🙂

      1. Hi Peta,
        I’m mak­ing the 9 in blocks and noticed nlock A1 says make 4 hst just as block A3, then trim to 4.5 “ then add a 3.5” block to the middle. The pic­ture shows we need 8 hst. If the cen­ter block is 3.5″ then would we trim to 3.5″? Block C5 is the same.

  6. Hi, This is the first quilt I’ve made on my own, no les­sons, no teach­er. I’m hav­ing a go with the sampler quilt and I’m mak­ing 9 inch blocks. I’m halfway through mak­ing Block E4 and can see that the smal­ler HST’s are going to be smal­ler than the lar­ger two when joined togeth­er. Each smal­ler HST is trimmed to 2.25 and the lar­ger one to 4.5. Where am I going wrong? I would be grate­ful for some help.

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