Layer Cake Coin Quilt

Simple quilts, they’re fun, fast and they sure make for a quick fix project!

When I first saw Sherri McCon­nell & Chelsi Strat­ton’s debut line for Moda Fab­rics, Bright Sun, I imme­di­ately loved it.   Tur­quoise, aqua and cor­al are such gor­geous col­ours to work with and the pops of yel­low just make it so happy.

Layer Cake Coin Quilt

The lay­er cake I grabbed when they first came out sat on my cut­ting table for a while wait­ing for the right idea to strike and then recently, inspir­a­tion struck, and I whipped up this Lay­er Cake Coin quilt.   The free pat­tern is avail­able to every­one on my mail­ing list.   If you’re not cur­rently signed up you can so do by click­ing here, and I’ll send a copy of the pat­tern to your email address.

Layer Cake Coin Quilt

I’ve always loved the look of coin quilts but I wanted to update it a little and the lay­er cake I had gave me the per­fect oppor­tun­ity to do just that!     The whole quilt came togeth­er in just a couple of hours.

I was­n’t feel­ing the love for any free motion quilt­ing design so I opted for simple straight lines on each of the large coin stacks and left the sash­ing and smal­ler coin stacks unquilted.  There were more than a few threads to be bur­ied but I think it was worth it for the look it achieved.

Layer Cake Coin Quilt

And some left over lay­er cake squares meant that I could use a get a little bit more mileage from the back­ing fab­ric I’d pur­chased.     I rarely make a pieced back these days but I do like them for a bit of a change.

Layer Cake Coin Quilt

I’m send­ing this quilt off to a fam­ily friend this week.  I hope she likes it!

Happy quilt­ing,


33 thoughts on “Layer Cake Coin Quilt

  1. I’m already signed up for your emails. I don’t under­stand how to get your free pat­tern for this beau­ti­ful coin quilt…

  2. I’ve signed up via email. Thank you for shar­ing your coin quilt pat­tern. I really like your Star Patch Quilt too!

  3. What a gor­geous quilt, Peta, and I love the idea of being able to quickly use a lay­er cake like this. You are a saint bury­ing all those threads though … not sure I could do it. Bright Sun is such a cheer­ful fab­ric line, I’m really lov­ing all the tur­quoise vari­ations in it.

  4. Hello Peta, just signed up but not sure how to access pat­terns. I am try­ing to get the “lay­er cake coin” quilt

  5. Signed up a few days ago for your news­let­ter, would like to receive pat­tern for this beau­ti­ful Lay­er Cake Coin Quilt. Thank you!

  6. I have just sub­scribed to receive your news­let­ter. I have to make your lay­er cake coin quilt but I am not sure how to access the pat­tern. Please help!! Thanks.

  7. Hi, I just signed up for your news­let­ter. Is it still pos­sible to get this pat­tern. My step daugh­ter just pur­chased this Lay­er cake to make her first quilt. 


  8. Hi Peta, just saw your lay­er cake coin Quilt. I had pur­chased Bright Sun and was wait­ing for some­thing to Quilt with it. This was per­fect. I signed up for your news­let­ter. How can I receive pat­tern. Thanks much!!

    1. HI Bar­bara, the pat­tern would have been emailed to you auto­mat­ic­ally once you con­firmed the news­let­ter sub­scrip­tion. If you can­’t see it its worth check­ing your spam folder and adding me a safe sender. If you’re still hav­ing trouble please email me at and I can organ­ise to send the PDF through. X Peta

    1. Hi Judy, you should have received the pat­tern auto­mat­ic­ally. Some­times it can go to your spam folder so it’s def­in­itely worth check­ing there. In the mean­time I’ll send anoth­er copy dir­ect to your email address. Happy quilting.

  9. Can’t seem to get the pat­tern either for the coin quilt? Went thru all my emails and span could you please send it again thank you.

  10. I signed up awhile back but can­’t find your pat­tern in my old emails. Can you please resend?

  11. I have sub­scribed to your web­site, how­ever, I still have not recieved the pdf pat­tern for the coin quilt. Can you please re-send? Thank you.

  12. This is a won­der­ful pat­tern. I am just get­ting star­ted and this is the per­fect pat­tern to do as my second quilt. I even found the lay­er cake you used because the more I look at these col­ors the more I fall in love. Thank you!

  13. I signed up for your news­let­ter and can­not find how to get to coin pat­tern in PDF.. please explain if I’m doing some­thing wrong..

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