Beach Boxes — Marti Michell Mini Quilt Blog Hop

Anoth­er day, anoth­er blog tour and this one is a corka!   Angie from GnomeAn­gel has gathered togeth­er an awe­some bunch of quilters who have designed fun and free mini quilt pat­terns using the Mar­ti Michell Per­fect Patch­work Tem­plate Sets and today’s my turn. Yay!

She Quilts A Lot - Marti Michell Mini Blog Hop

Have you ever seen the Beach Houses at Brighton Beach in Mel­bourne, Vic­tor­ia?  They’re a sight to behold with all the bright fun col­ours and are an icon­ic little piece of Aus­tralia.     They’re also pretty good inspir­a­tion when ideas are few and far between for a mini quilt design!

Brighton Beach Boxes

To make your own ver­sion of the Beach Boxes mini quilt you’ll need Set B of the Mar­ti Michell’s Per­fect Patch­work Tem­plates.   If you’ve been sew­ing along with the Farm­er­’s Wife 1930’s Quilt you prob­ably already have a set, if not, you can grab them dir­ect from Mar­ti by click­ing here.

She Quilts A Lot - Marti Michell Mini Blog Hop

The Beach Boxes mini quilt is per­fect for using up some of the scraps we all have lay­ing around or, you could use a Charm Pack of bright fun fab­rics and make all of the boxes col­our­ful like the ones at Brighton.   To make the mini like mine you will need:

  • 10–15 squares of bright fab­ric at least 5″ x 5″
  • 3 Fat Eighths of grey and black print fabric
  • 13 yard of white back­ground fabric
  • 1 Fat Quarter of black print fab­ric for the binding
  • 25″ x 25″ square of back­ing fabric
  • 24″ x 24″ square of cot­ton batting

She Quilts A Lot - Marti Michell Mini Blog Hop

Once you have all of your sup­plies gathered mak­ing the 22.5″ x 22.5″ mini will be easy!   You can fol­low along with the tutori­al steps here or you down­load a PDF ver­sion by click­ing on the image below or here.   Just a quick note: the bind­ing can be cut from a fat quarter (6 strips) or yard­age if you have it (3 strips).

She Quilts A Lot - Marti Michell Mini Blog Hop

I had every inten­tion of leav­ing the quilt as a mini but then.… who does­n’t love a bright fun pil­low.   If you’d like to do the same grab a 20″ zip and an addi­tion­al 25″ square of back­ground fab­ric and then head on over to my Lapped Pil­low Back tutori­al to make yours!

She Quilts A Lot - Marti Michell Mini Blog Hop

But wait there’s more… There are some great prizes up for grabs if you make your own Mar­ti Michell Mini Quilt!

On Fri­day 18 Novem­ber Angie and all of the  blog­gers will be post­ing a linky on our blogs. You can sub­mit your photo via the link or you can sub­mit a photo to the spe­cif­ic album in the Farmer’s Wife 1930’s Sampler Quilt Face­book Group or you can post it on Ins­tagram with the hasht­ag #Mar­tiMichell­Mi­niQuilt­mania and tag Angie @gnomeangel and Mar­ti Michell @MartiMichell in the photo. So many ways to enter and so many awe­some designs to choose from!

12 August 2016 Angie @

19 August 2016 Tonya @ The Crafty Mummy

26 August 2016 Lucy @ Charm About You

02 Septem­ber 2016 Kirsty @ Bon­jour Quilts  <— you are here

09 Septem­ber 2016 Cat @ Cat + Vee

16 Septem­ber 2016 Nath­alie @ Les Ouv­rages de Nat

23 Septem­ber 2016 Alyce @ Blos­som Heart Quilts 

30 Septem­ber 2016 Peta @ She Quilts A Lot — that’s me!!!

07 Octo­ber 2016 Lisa @ Sweet Little Pretties

14 Octo­ber 2016 Rachel @ Wooden Spoon Quilts 

21 Octo­ber 2016 Raylee @ Sun­flower Quilting

28 Octo­ber 2016 Lisa @ In The Boon Docks

04 Novem­ber 2016  Mar­ti Michell

Happy sew­ing!



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