Vintage Vibe — Quilt 2

Fin­ished!  My second quilt from Amber John­son’s of Vin­tage Vibe book is com­plete and, just like the first one (and every quilt in the book), I love it!

SheQuiltsAlot - Big Baby Quilt from Vintage Vibe

I’m really enjoy­ing quilt­ing through this book.  It’s nice to sit and do some guilt free sew­ing just because.    I had a lovely time sit­ting on my floor dig­ging through my scrap bins to find fab­rics for this pro­ject and I’m super proud to say that all of the print fab­rics came from those bins!    The back­ground fab­ric was some­thing I had in my stash, it’s the grey micro dot from Mod­a’s Dot­tie collection.

If you fol­low me on Ins­tagram you’ll have seen that I quilted this one using (what I like to call) the wibbly wobbly stitch on my Janome.   It really does seem to take forever and it sure uses a lot of thread, but it really is so worth it.

SheQuiltsAlot Quilting

Instant crinkly love right there!

SheQuiltsAlot - Big Baby Quilt Vintage Vibe

The chal­lenge I set myself to use the scraps Amber had sent me was a little trick­er in this quilt because I needed pieces lar­ger than any of the scraps I had.   I did­n’t give up though!   Some quick piecing of a few of the same print scraps and voila! job done — one orange square all ready to go.


This little quilt is wait­ing to see if it will be gif­ted to my daugh­ters teach­er.   If it’s a boy this one will be headed her way and, if its a girl.… well I fig­ure its always good to have a baby quilt on hand ready for instant gift­ing right?

SheQuiltsAlot - Big Baby Quilt Vintage Vibe

Is any­one else join­ing in with Blue Ele­phant Stitch’s idea to Quilt The Book?   I can thor­oughly recom­mend it.  There’s no dead­lines or com­mit­ments, just choose a book and have fun.   Sounds per­fect does­n’t it.

Talk soon,




8 thoughts on “Vintage Vibe — Quilt 2

  1. Anoth­er beauty! Great job Peta. Love your ‘wibbly wobbly’ quilt­ing, it does give the quilt such beau­ti­ful tex­ture and crinkliness!

  2. This turned out so per­fectly! I love that’s its scrappy and I super-love the quilt­ing!! I know someone who also had lots of fun dig­ging through the scrap bins that day 😉
    Such a bril­liant idea and I’m lov­ing fol­low­ing along with this pro­ject — which one next?!
    Keera x

  3. Could you please elab­or­ate on your “wig­gly wobbly” quilt­ing? How far apart is each row and what are the set­tings on your machine? Thank you for answer­ing (if you find this) 😀

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