So I Wrote A Book!!!

I kept that secret well did­n’t I?!?  I can­’t even begin to tell you how hard it was to keep sew­ing so many quilts under wraps for so long but I’m glad I did because it’s made reveal­ing the book so much more fun!

A Piece of Cake, my first book, is a col­lec­tion of 14 pat­terns made using Lay­er Cakes (10″ squares of fab­ric).    There are pat­terns per­fect for just begin­ning quilters and for those look­ing to improve or learn some new quilt­ing skills.  They are all a whole bunch of fun to make and are sure to be loved for many years to come!

If you don’t have a lay­er cake on hand there’s no need to worry!   All of the pat­terns can be made with Lay­er Cakes, Fat Eighths, Fat Quar­ters or even scraps from your own stash!

A Piece of Cake will be released July 2017 and is avail­able now for pre­order.  You can pre­order your own copy from Amazon, or, your loc­al quilt shop (just ask them).

Over the last week or so I’ve been shar­ing a few sneaky peaks on Ins­tagram and Face­book and today I’m shar­ing some of those pic­tures (and more) with you all.   I hope you like the quilts!

I know I prob­ably should­n’t have a favour­ite but this Wrapped in Love quilt is def­in­itely at the top of my list at the moment.    The ver­sion I made for the book was spec­tac­u­larly cus­tom quilted by Fiona Bell.  So great for a quick and easy baby quilt!

From the cov­er of the book is Play­ing Around Again.  Anoth­er quilt thats per­fect for begin­ners and is fun to piece!

Mod­ern Spools is my take on a tra­di­tion­al spools quilt, updated to look like the spools of thread read­ily avail­able her win Aus­tralia.   Per­fect for fun prints you don’t want to chop in to too much!

Ori­gami Squares looks tricky but trust me it’s really not.   For the secret on how to make this one you’ll have to grab a copy of the book, you won’t believe how simple it is!

Last but not least for this week is the Con­fetti quilt.   I love mak­ing quilts for little chil­dren and this one is just per­fect.  Sweet without being too baby­ish and a great way to show­case cute fab­ric.   I have anoth­er Con­fetti cut and ready to sew when I get back from Mar­ket for my niece’s first baby.

I’ll share some more quilts from my book A Piece of Cake: Sweet & Simple Quilts from Lay­er Cake Squares in a couple of weeks.   I can­’t wait to show you more!   In the mean­time… you can pre­order your own copy from Amazon now if you’d like one.

Have a great week,



16 thoughts on “So I Wrote A Book!!!

  1. Con­grat­u­la­tions Peta, I am very excited for you and look­ing for­ward to see­ing the book!

  2. Awe­some!! I can­’t wait to see it for myself. It must feel so good to finally have the fin­ished product in your hands. Con­grat­u­la­tions, Peta and wish­ing you tons of book sales x

    1. I Love your “Wrapped in Love” quilt! Where can I get the pattern?

      Happy Quilt­ing!!! (From a fel­low addict)
      Norma Janeway

  3. O.m.g. the per­fect book! I love it pre­cuts to add a meas­ure of pre­ci­sion and speed. Great job you sneaky thing! ?

  4. Con­grat­u­la­tions!!! Such beau­ti­ful quilts Peta! I will def­in­itely be adding your book to my library!

  5. Con­grat­u­la­tions PETA. They look awe­some pro­jects. It must be won­der­ful to see your cre­at­ive ideas in print. Good luck with the sales.

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