My Story

Wel­come to She Quilts Alot!

My name is Peta and I’m a quilter who’s been mak­ing and cre­at­ing for 14 years.   That seems like such a long time and when I look back it sure is a lot of quilts!

When I’m not sew­ing and quilt­ing I am a wife to my super spunky best friend Richard (he ser­i­ously is!) and a Mum to our two beau­ti­ful girls.    Some­where in all of that I also run my own non quilt related business.

We are lucky enough to call Aus­tralia home.   I love the small town feel of the city I live in and the fant­ast­ic weath­er we have.….. except in Janu­ary & Feb­ru­ary when the really high humid­ity hits and my hair goes crazy!

I hope you enjoy this little blog.  If you have any ques­tions, or just want to say hi!, I’d love to hear from you.



36 thoughts on “My Story

  1. Hi Peta! I’m so excited to read your blog! Your IG pics are always SO lovely and your pro­jects always inspire! I LOVE your fam­ily quilt–such a won­der­ful idea, and sure to be a treas­ure for years to come! Cheers!

    1. Hi Peta’
      I loved read­ing your story. You are such a great tal­ent. I wanted to tell you I haven’t quilted for sev­er­al years, I have three kids that have kept me busy. Recently I star­ted back and have enjoyed it so much. Your book “A Piece of Cake “was my inspir­a­tion. I love every quilt in this nook which is really unusu­al. Most of the time you are lucky to find more than one in any book you really love. I hon­estly think I’ll make every quilt in this book . Thanks for inspir­ing me.

  2. Hey Peta,
    This is all very excit­ing and look­ing for­ward to see­ing more. Con­grats on your blog

    1. Thanks Debbie, it sure is excit­ing. Still learn­ing heaps but look­ing for­ward to that part too.

  3. Hi Peta, I’m a bris­bane girl too! I have fol­lowed you on Ins­tagram for a while now. Love all your stuff. I look for­ward to you shar­ing your quilt­ing world! Congrats!!
    Angela O’Rourke

    1. Yay Angela, Bris­bane is just such a great place to live isn’t it! Thanks so much for your kind­ness and for good wishes 🙂

  4. Hello Peta,
    Con­grat­u­la­tions on your new jour­ney of blog­ging. Look­ing for­ward to “keep­ing my eye on you” and shar­ing your pages of dia­logue. Your fam­ily quilt is gor­geous, I’m yet to sew my alpha­bet togeth­er, sigh — one day. Once again, best wishes.

    1. Thanks Deb, it really is such an enjoy­able pro­ject sew­ing the let­ters. Thanks for ‘keep­ing an eye on me’ 🙂

  5. I am anoth­er IG’er who,has fol­lowed you for awhile…it is a bit creepy sounding.….and am thrilled you’ve dived into blog­ging. I love check­ing out people’s blogs, although I don’t blog myself. Your fam­ily quilt is won­der­ful as is the oth­er sew­ing of yours that I’ve seen. I look for­ward to ‘hanging out’ with you here.

    1. Thanks Ann, its excit­ing just think­ing about the pos­sib­il­it­ies that a blog provides. Can­’t wait to share more and so glad you’ll be hanging out with me here too 🙂

  6. Yeah, Peta! So excited for this new blog­ging adven­ture for you! So glad I got to meet you in Austin!

    1. Oh thanks Mag­gie, so great to meet you to o and so grate­ful you’ve come to check the blog out 🙂

  7. Well, hello there! Wel­come to the world of blog­ging, looks like you’ve picked up the hang of it very quickly. I’m look­ing for­ward to more Peta good­ness, but in the long form now! Have fun x x

  8. Thank you for post­ing a tutori­al for the yel­low and white pil­low that I reques­ted. I also did not get the pat­tern for your Lay­er Cake Coin quilt in bright sun fab­ric. I joined after the pat­tern was sent in an email. Would it be pos­sible for you to send the Lay­er Cake Coin quilt to me?

    1. Hi Judy, thanks for your sweet com­ment. I’ll send the PDF to you now, it will have come through auto­mat­ic­ally but ended up in the pro­mo­tions folder or worse…the spam folder. It’s worth check­ing in both of those places. Thanks again. X

    2. Hi Peta, i have just star­ted your Bloom quilt pat­tern now that Sug­ar Pie fab­ric is out in the States. Thank you for mak­ing a pat­tern with the press­ing dir­ec­tions. As a new­er quilter (13 months) I really appre­ci­ate them, they help the blocks go togeth­er so eas­ily. Thanks again!

  9. Hi! By chance, do you do your quilt­ing on a Statler Stitch­er? I noticed how beau­ti­ful the quilt­ing is!

  10. Hi,
    Could you please tell me the fab­ric col­lec­tion you use to make “Play­ing Around Again”? I love the col­ors and would like to try and find it. Also, love your “Piece if Cake Book” beau­ti­ful quilts.

  11. Plan­ning to make your Simplest Sampler just as shown in A Piece of Cake (great book!), I know the main fab­ric pat­tern is Hand­made, which I love, but could you tell me what is the aqua back­ground fab­ric? Such a gor­geous col­or! Thanks, Peta. All of your quilts are so beautiful.

  12. I just signed up for your email list but did­n’t get the free pat­tern email. Please resend. Thanks. I love the pat­tern and have the per­fect lay­er cake for it! Thanks again.

  13. Dear Peta,
    I am really inter­ested in get­ting the lay­er cake coin pat­tern. I have registered my email sev­er­al times and each time I get the response that the pat­tern is being emailed right away but it nev­er comes. I have checked my junk box also. Could you please tell me how to obtains this pat­tern. I love your ideas and fab­ric choices.

  14. I’m very new to quilt­ing and have my sew­ing room set up , well still need more shelves and draw­ers. I’ve pur­chased a few fab­rics for pos­sibly 3 of my
    first /practice quilts 😉.
    Enjoyed view­ing this quilt with the easy tutori­al which I’ll use for a quilt I’m mak­ing for my mom and her twin sis­ter my aunt.
    So glad I came across your site on Pinterest. 🌹🌹

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