Layer Cake Coin Quilt: An (Almost) Free Pattern

EDIT May 4, 2022: Since releas­ing the Lay­er Cake Coin Quilt pat­tern I have giv­en away more than 30,000 cop­ies for free. That’s a lot of free pat­terns and it got me think­ing that it’s prob­ably time to start char­ging for it. If you’d like a copy please head to my shop where you can grab a copy for just $1.00. Cheap­er than a cup of cof­fee and many more hours of enjoy­ment! If you’re after some­thing for free please head to my tutori­als page where you will find heaps of free pat­terns and ideas :).

For a while now I have wanted to make a new ver­sion of my Lay­er Cake Coin quilt. I made the first one a couple of years ago and it’s been a favour­ite pat­tern ever since! The ori­gin­al design uses 24 Lay­er Cake (10″ x 10″) squares. That does­n’t mean you HAVE to have a lay­er cake though! You could use fat quar­ters, yard­age or even scraps you have available. 

This new ver­sion was made using Sedef Imer­’s new fab­ric col­lec­tion for Riley Blake Designs called Rhaps­ody. As well as the gor­geous blues fea­tured in my quilt there is a whole bunch of oth­er beau­ti­ful col­ours. The prints are so pretty with some­thing for every­one includ­ing teeny dots and flor­als and geo­met­ric shapes. You can see more of Rhaps­ody (and some fab­ulous pat­terns Sedef has designed) by click­ing here.

You can also check out what some oth­er blog­gers have been mak­ing via the links below:-

The Lay­er Cake Coin quilt is no longer free but you can pur­chase a copy for $1.00 here.

The quilt fin­ishes at a gen­er­ous 45″ x 51″. It’s a great size for a baby or crib quilt or, even as a small lap quilt! To make your own quilt you will need:-

  • 24 Lay­er Cake squares (or an equi­val­ent amount of fabric)
  • 34 yard of white fab­ric for the sash­ing and borders
  • 12 yard of bind­ing fabric
  • 49″ x 56″ piece of batting
  • 3 yards of back­ing fabric

The quilt top comes togeth­er very quickly. That’s always import­ant round here where time is short but the list is long! Even the machine quilt­ing was com­pleted very quickly with this simple straight line design. 

I hope you like this simple design as much as I do. If you do make your own ver­sion I’d love to see it! You can email pho­tos to me at or, of course, tag me on Ins­tagram or Facebook.

Happy quilt­ing,

64 thoughts on “Layer Cake Coin Quilt: An (Almost) Free Pattern

  1. What a great design for a lay­er cake. I love this ver­sion in the beau­ti­ful aquas from the Rhaps­ody fab­rics. Thank you for mak­ing this pat­tern avail­able. Much appreciated.

      1. I love /adore you get the idea but I want to make a queen size ver­sion . Try­ing to fig­ure out mater­i­als (amount I need ) my mind is draw­ing a blank .

        1. Where can I find this fab­ric. I love these blues. I’ve looked at Riley Blake and Fat Quarter Shop. Can you help me find it? Or maybe it is not avail­able yet? Thank you for your help!

  2. I would love to have this pat­tern, and receive your news­let­ter, but I don’t know how to get it. Help!

        1. If you don’t use the lay­er cake, how much fab­ric do you need of the fab­ric exactly like the pic­ture in tur­quoise and white

    1. Hi Rita, Unfor­tu­nately I haven’t worked that out just yet. As a rough guide I’d sug­gest quad­rupling the quant­it­ies giv­en, that would give you a quilt appro­pri­ately 90″ x 102″. Sorry I can­’t be of more help. X

  3. I have singed up. Look­ing for­ward to get­ting the pat­tern. I have a lay­er cake I have been look­ing for that favor­ite pat­tern for and I just found it. Thank you so much.

  4. Hi Peta, I’ve nev­er made a coin quilt and this looks the per­fect pat­tern to start with. Your fab­ric and col­or choices are scrump­tious! The bas­ket of fab­rics caught my eye first then the quilt. 🙂 I love how the bright white strips are so prom­in­ent in your design. Thank you for re-shar­ing your pattern.

  5. Love this pat­tern & your array of fab­rics is sooo deli­cious 😊have signed up and eagerly await­ing the pat­tern, I gave just the stash of fab­rics for it 😜

    1. Hi Tan­ya, I could­n’t see you in my email list so I’ve added you and the pat­tern should arrive by email. Please check your spam or junk folder if you don’t see it. You will need to add me as a safe sender if it is in your junk folder. Happy quilting.

  6. Can you please let me know the white fab­ric I should use for the top as well as the back­ing? I like the look of a pure white. Thanks so much.

    1. Hi San­die, there are so many great white fab­rics around that you could try. Can I sug­gest that you speak with your favour­ite quilt shop and get them to show you the dif­fer­ent options avail­able or, you could even order some dif­fer­ent white online and see which one you prefer. I’d hate to sug­gest one white and you don’t end up think­ing it’s white enough. I usu­ally use 9900–97 PFD from Moda Fab­rics if that helps. You could also try Con­fetti Cot­tons White from Riley Blake.

  7. Hello, I have done all that is indic­ated to do but I still can­nt find the pat­tern. Can any­one assist me please

    1. Hi Margo, thanks so much for sign­ing up. From the back end of my sys­tem it does appear that you received the email and were able to access the free pat­tern down­load from my end. Hope­fully you are all sor­ted now. Happy quilting!

  8. Hello, I fell in love with this pat­tern, but more import­antly, the fab­ric! I’ve looked hi and low for this gor­geous fab­ric Rhaps­ody by Riley Blake! It’s Decem­ber 2020 and I can­’t find it any­where at least not the blues and whites that you used. Any idea where I CAN look??

  9. Hi, I clicked on the link and paid the $1.06 with tax (🤣) but I didn’t see the pat­tern emailed to me? How might I expect to be able to access it?
    Best, Stephanie

  10. I loved this quilt. I ordered the pat­tern and bought a lay­er cake set of fab­ric. I pre­washed as that is what I prefer to do but each square shrank at least half an inch. Very dis­ap­point­ing. So then I can­’t make my 10″ strips. I’m think­ing of going a dif­fer­ent route and if I were to pur­chase say 6 dif­fer­ent col­ors, about how much of each one would be safe to buy? I’m just get­ting star­ted in learn­ing to quilt. Thank you.

    1. Hi Bev

      Thanks so much for your message. 

      You’ll need around 1.75 yards, so I’d recom­mend 7 fat quar­ters. From each fat quarter you will be able to cut 14 2.5” x 10” pieces which equates to 98 pieces. You need 96 so you’ll have 2 left over.

      I hope this helps,

      Happy quilt­ing

    2. Hi Bev, Thanks so much for your mes­sage. You’ll need around 1.75 yards, so I’d recom­mend 7 fat quar­ters. From each fat quarter you will be able to cut 14 2.5” x 10” pieces which equates to 98 pieces. You need 96 so you’ll have 2 left over. I hope this helps, Happy quilt­ing. Peta

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