
Wel­come to She Quilts Alot!   This little web­site & blog is where I share my quilt­ing and sew­ing adven­tures, travels and patterns.

I hope you’ll stop by reg­u­larly to say hi and see what I’ve been up to!

XO, Peta



Vintage Vibe — Quilt 1

I fin­ished the Scrap Jars last night from Vin­tage Vibe by Amber John­son and.… I…

Recipes & Quilts

Today, has­n’t been the most fun day, actu­ally it was a com­plete stinker!  But some­times a…

Simple Sewing

I have about a gazil­lion (maybe a slight exag­ger­a­tion!) pro­jects of the go at the…

Binding — Where do you start? {A Tutorial}

I’ve been doing a fair amount of bind­ing lately and thought I’d share a little…

Australia! Published

How did I miss this?!?!    Some time ago I answered a call Fat Quarterly Magazine…

Quilting Through a Book

A few weeks ago I read a blog post on Blue Ele­phant Stitches web­site talk­ing about…