A Piece of Cake Book Tour & A Giveaway

It’s been so excit­ing to see my book A Piece of Cake hit­ting stores around the world over the last few weeks and even more excit­ing to see some of the pro­jects being made by you guys pop­ping up on Ins­tagram and Face­book.   Talk about mak­ing my day!

To help cel­eb­rate the release of A Piece of Cake a whole bunch of my favour­ite blog­gers are join­ing in with an online Book Tour.     You’ll get to see some of the pro­jects being made in dif­fer­ent styles and fab­rics and of course, there are sure to be a few giveaways hap­pen­ing along the way!      I can­’t wait to see what every­one has been up to and read their posts.

14 Aug      Sedef — Down Grapev­ine Lane
15 Aug      Jemima — Tied with a Ribbon
16 Aug      Sam­antha — Aqua Pais­ley Studio
17 Aug      Andy — A Bright Corner
18 Aug      Kirsty — Bon­jour Quilts
19 Aug      Lisa — A Spoon­ful of Sug­ar Designs
20 Aug      Alis­on — Cot­ton Factory
21 Aug      Car­rie — Moda Fab­rics
22 Aug      Nadra — Ellis and Higgs
23 Aug      Angie — Gnome Angel
24 Aug      Tara — Tara Sews
25 Aug      Jules — The Cre­at­ive Retreat
26 Aug      Kristyne — Pretty by Hand
27 Aug      Kim­berly — Fat Quarter Shop
28 Aug      Lissa — Moda Lissa
29 Aug      Amy — Diary of a Quilter
30 Aug      Kerry — Kid Giddy & Cat — Hello from Cat on Instagram
31 Aug      Jane — Mod­ern Makers Retreat
1 Sept       Kate — Nev­er Enough Hours
2 Sept       Jodie — Vin­tage Ric Rac
3 Sept       Shar­on — Patches Indoo­roopilly 
4 Sept       Aman­da — Mater­i­al Girl Quilts
5 Sept       Amber — A Little Bit Biased
6 Sept       Xanthe — Wife Made
7 Sept       Rachel — Fam­ily Ever After
8 Sept      Jenny — Mar­tin­gale
9 Sept       Amy — Nana Com­pany
10 Sept    Peta — She Quilts A Lot

You can also fol­low along with the Book Tour on Ins­tagram with the hasht­ag #apieceof­cake­book.   To make things easy that’s also the hasht­ag you can use for any pro­jects you make :).

To kick off the Book Tour I have a copy of A Piece of Cake: Sweet and Simple Quilts from Lay­er Cake Squares to give away to one lucky read­er.   Just leave a com­ment below to enter.   The giveaway is open to every­one world­wide, entries close on the last day of the blog hop (Septem­ber 10) and I’ll announce the win­ner the next day.   Good luck with your entry!

Have a great weekend!



123 thoughts on “A Piece of Cake Book Tour & A Giveaway

  1. Yay! So happy and excited for you Peta! I have been wait­ing to get myself a copy… I was a bit too early though when I checked at my 2 fav quilt shops a few weeks ago, as they did­n’t have it in yet. Hope­fully it will be in next time I make it in there!! Will enjoy the blog tour. Cheers, Kelly

  2. Well done Peta, I can­’t wait to see all the vari­ations on all the pro­jects from your book! xo

  3. Nice job on your book. Love the pat­terns and the fab­rics you used in the quilts. Would love to have a copy of your book.

  4. Have just recently sub­scribed hav­ing returned to patch­work and try­ing my hand at quilt­ing with accept­able res­ults (at least to me, friends & fam­ily!). Would love to win the book, but will buy if not lucky in the draw. Love your work.

  5. Con­grat­u­la­tions. …I am anxious to see your beau­ti­ful cre­ations. I work at a quilt shop…I will need to see if it is avail­able from our supplier.

  6. I have been wait­ing for this book to be released! Con­grat­u­la­tions on your suc­cess­ful launch. I can­’t wait to try these patterns!

  7. Con­grat­u­la­tions on your book release. I can­’t wait to see more. Love fol­low­ing your adven­tures through your blog.

  8. Con­grat­u­la­tions on your book! I love the quilts I have seen already and look for­ward to see­ing the oth­er blog­gers’ projects.

  9. Your book looks great — I love quilts that go togeth­er quickly! Thank you for the oppor­tun­ity to win and I can­’t wait to see what the oth­er blog­gers make!

  10. I fol­low you on IG. Very glad about this book! I love what I’ve seen. I’m back into quilt­ing after a long hiatus and so am devour­ing all things quilty. ?

  11. What a won­der­ful feel­ing to have a book like this pub­lished! Con­grats, Peta! Sweet and simple blocks and pro­jects are just what I love…so this book would be per­fect for my inspir­a­tions and sew­ing time! I hope it sells a mil­lion (or more)!

  12. Con­grat­u­la­tions and would love to win your book, it’s a clev­er title. I have some lay­er cakes but have nev­er man­aged to make a quilt yet, so I look for­ward to being inspired by the tour.

  13. Can­’t wait to see this book with your won­der­ful pat­terns! I do have a few (ahem!) lay­er cakes to use. Thanks for a chance to win the book!

  14. I am excited to see the book and get star­ted on the pat­terns. I love mak­ing baby quilts for fam­ily and friends. No grand­chil­dren of my own but love to spoil the little ones I know. <3

  15. Con­grat­u­la­tions on the book! I’m look­ing for­ward to the blog hop and see­ing every­one’s ver­sion of your quilts. That’s what I love about quilt­ing — two people can use the same pat­tern and have totally unique quilts.

  16. Con­grat­u­la­tions on your book — there are too many quilts
    to choose from as they are all gorgeous!

  17. This looks like a per­fect book for me and will be a great addi­tion to our loc­al lib­rary. I will put in a request for it.

  18. I bought this book as soon as I saw it so thought I’d pop in to recom­mend it–great quilts to use up those lay­er cakes but just great pat­terns peri­od! Con­grats on a great book!

  19. I have not used Lay­er Cakes very much so I’ll be very inter­ested to see what you’ve made with them!

    🙂 Linda

  20. Con­grat­u­la­tions!!! I am so look­ing for­ward to this blog tour!! Thanks for the opportunity!

  21. The quilts look great. Can­’t wait to see the book and what every­one will make! Thanks for the giveaway.

  22. Con­grat­u­la­tions Peta! So excited for you. I’m an Aus­sie liv­ing in Iowa, USA and I always look for­ward to your blogs and latest projects…keeps me con­nec­ted to home. I wish you every suc­cess with your new book!

  23. Looks like a beau­ti­ful book filled with a lot of tempt­ing pat­terns. I wish you a lot of suc­cess with this book.

  24. Con­grat­u­la­tions on your new book. Hop­ping to get my hands on one soon. I have a few (12) lay­er cakes wait­ing for fun.

  25. Con­grat­u­la­tions on your book! The cov­er looks won­der­ful, am so look­ing for­ward to the blog tour! Thank you for the chance to win a copy

  26. Con­grat­u­la­tions!!! What fun& soooo excit­ing, to have a book pub­lished!! Looks like Awe­some one too…already on my Wish List!! lol (& thank you for chance to win one!!)

  27. I am excited about this book as it is writ­ten by a home grown Aussie!

    I love to fol­low Aus­sie quilters blogs!

  28. Con­grat­u­la­tions PETA — such a great achieve­ment! I can­’t wait to fol­low the blog tour and see what every­one has made. I am new to your blog and have signed up to receive reg­u­lar updates. Your pat­terns look amaz­ing — going to look into pur­chas­ing a couple. Thank you for the oppor­tun­ity to have a chance to win a copy of your book.

  29. Looks like your book has some inter­est­ing and beau­ti­ful quilts–congratulations on it!

  30. Con­grat­u­la­tions! Your book looks beau­ti­ful. I have a few layer­cakes wait­ing for me to cut into and see­ing as my 2year old had star­ted day­care on Mondays, I now have a day that I can get the sew­ing machine out again!! (Insert happy dance)

  31. Oh my gosh.….your book looks like fun! Can­’t wait for the book hop to begin.
    As always, thanks for the chance to win your book!

  32. I have so many scraps say­ing help me, find me a home in a quilt. Your book looks like it may be the answer to their pray­ers. Thanks for giv­ing them, and me of course,the oppor­tun­ity to find a home for them through your book.

  33. This is soooo excit­ing!!! I have sev­er­al lay­er cakes just wait­ing for this oppor­tun­ity to shine with the new pat­terns in you new book!! Thank you so much for the chance to win this book!!

  34. Con­grat­u­la­tions on your book! I’m look­ing for­ward the entire blog tour and see­ing the projects.

  35. Wow! Your book looks fab­ulous and I can hardly wait to have a copy of my own. Thanks for this chance.

  36. I have just come over to your blog after see­ing your book on A Spoon­ful of Sug­ar. Your designs are amaz­ing and very fresh. It is also fun to find new blogs to vis­it. x

  37. I am really enjoy­ing the blog hop — would love to get my hands on your book! Hope­fully I will be lucky and win!!!

  38. You’re new to me so I just signed up for your news­let­ter. I love this book cov­er quilt and look for­ward to see­ing more of your designs.

  39. Your book is def­in­itely on my list! I love layer­cakes and your quilts look so pretty & doable!!
    Very nice!!

  40. I just received your book in the mail. I pur­chased it as soon as I saw the cov­er. I wanted to make the quilt on the cov­er. I am so excited. I will need to get some lay­er cakes to make this quilt though.

  41. I think I am going to love your book. The lovely the pat­terns and the fab­rics you used in the quilts are just won­der­ful. Would love to have a copy of your book.

  42. I love pre­cut quilt books. Your quilt pat­terns are unique and beau­ti­ful! Thanks for the chance to win your new book.

  43. Love your new book I saw on your blog. Can­’t wait to try some of my big prints for the spool quilt. The new fresh designs is just what I was look­ing for ! Such an inspir­a­tions, thanks so much!

  44. Peta, Thank you for the chance to win your fab­ulous new book! I also like using the lay­er cakes pre­cuts, and your book shows me every more fant­ast­ic ways to use them. I’m look­ing for­ward to get­ting this book!
    Have a blessed weekend!
    Go for the bolder paint, it will look smashing.

  45. The beau­ti­ful col­ors and pat­terns give me much needed inspir­a­tion. I am instantly enam­ored of the spools! Win­ning the book would be won­der­ful. Thanks so much for all your beau­ti­ful work!

  46. It must be fate! I have some lay­er cakes that I’m sure will look fab­ulous if I use some pat­terns from this delight­ful book. I love all of the examples I’ve seen so far on the blog hop! Won­der­ful book!!!

  47. Con­grat­u­la­tions. I love mak­ing lay­er cake quilts, I can­’t wait to check your new book out!

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