Pattern Corrections

Down South Quilt Pattern

Cut­ting Dia­gram 1 shows a meas­ure­ment of 4 12″.  The meas­ure­ment should read 4 14″.


Oh Christ­mas Tree Mini Quilt Pattern

From the fat quarter of bor­der 1 and bind­ing fab­ric you will need to cut four 2 14″ x 21″ strips for bind­ing in addi­tion to the Bor­der 1 pieces listed.


Square Deal Quilt Pattern

Lay­er cake cut­ting instruc­tions show a meas­ure­ment of 4 14″ x 8 12″.  The meas­ure­ment should read 4 12″ x 8 12″.

Back­ground cut­ting instruc­tions show a meas­ure­ment of sev­en (or ten) 2 14″ x WOF strips.  The meas­ure­ment should read 2 12″ x WOF strips.


Spring Quilt Pattern

Page 1 — Back­ground cut­ting instruc­tions reads:

  • 3 strips 1 58″ x WOF.  Sub­cut each strip into 1 58″ x 5 34″ until you have 16.

The meas­ure­ment should be 1 78″ x 5 34″. Use the 1 78″ x 5 34″ rect­angles in step 19 on Page 4 in place of the 1 58″ x 5 34″ rectangles.

  • 2 strips 8 12″ x WOF.  Sub­cut each strip into 5 58″ x 8 12″ rect­angles until you have 12.
  • 1 strip 5 58″ x WOF. Sub­cut four 5 58″ x 8 12″ rect­angles (total of 16 includ­ing the 12 above).

The meas­ure­ment should be 5 78″ x 8 12″.  Use the 5 78″ x 8 12″ rect­angles in step 19 on Page 4 in place of the 5 58″ x 82″ rectangles.


Rasp­berry Roy­al Quilt Pat­tern (Baby Size)

Page 1 — Back­ground cut­ting instruc­tions for the Baby Sie Quilt (with altern­ate lay­out) reads:

  • 9 strips 3 12″ x WOF.  Sub­cut each strip into 3 12″ squares until you have 108.

You will need to cut:

  • 4 strips 3 12″ x WOF.  Sub­cut each strip into 3 12″ squares until you have 40.
  • 6 strips 3 12″ x WOF.  Sub­cut each strip into 3 12″ x 6 12″ rect­angles until you have 36.